Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Late Boo!

Yesterday was a fun Halloween. I spent the day at my moms visiting with her and my sister and Ruby. I made sugar cookies in the morning (I really shouldn't have made them!) They are one of the things that I can't resist eating and eating and eating. It was fun though. We had little bats, pumpkin and ghost cookies. Delphia wore her Halloween outfit that my mother-in-law bought her. Shane thought it was cheesy, but I thought it was cute. I really didn't think dressing up a 2-month old was going to be an easy thing. Here are some pictures of Delphia:

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Shane took the pictures while I was making the cookies. It was a good thing he took them early or we wouldn't have gotten pictures at all. She was sitting in her chair cooing during dinner and just being smiley (which is unusual for her since she had the hiccups). She started crying her fake cry and I would talk to her and she'd smile. Shane was on his way home from work since they gave him the option to leave early. I finally picked her up when she wasn't just whimpering and realized that she was poopy and she was leaking through her outfit. I went down to change her and unsnapped her outfit and she has poop halfway up her stomach, up her sides, basically everywhere! My first thought was,"Where is her dad?" He got home shortly after and helped me clean her up. However, the outfit and onesie were a total loss!

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