Sunday, December 9, 2007

Peter Breinholt and the Mini Rubberbands

Friday night Shane's work party for Alpine. It was at the Larry H Miller SLCC campus and it was a lot of fun! I was excited to go even though I am not going back to work just for the chance to get out and to see people that I worked with. It was dumping snow when I left my parents to go pick-up Shane and Delphia cried the whole ride down to Costco. I found myself singing Silent Night and various songs from the Childrens Songbook to calm me while driving in the snow and an attempt to calm her down.

We got to the party and we were 30 minutes late and it seemed like we had to park in the middle of nowhere and walk to the building. We got inside and she was just falling apart and I was thinking,"This is going to be a long night!" We sat down and fed her a bottle while everyone poured out to get in line for food. Shane went and found a spot at the table. We sat with Tim and his wife, Nat, Deb and her husband and Jenn and her husband. It was fun to get to visit and show Delphi off to everyone. Everyone wated to hold her and so she got passed around the table. Deb's 2 daughters held her at the fall party and just thought she was so cute! They wanted to hold her and she was very content so I was able to eat and watch the program. She kept shutting her eyes and then she'd rub them and look like she was trying not to fall asleep. After a little while Shane and I looked over and Delphia was asleep and the girl holding her was asleep and her sister was asleep on the others shoulder. It was really cute!

Peter Breinholt and Ryan Shupe and the Rubberbands played at the party and it was a lot of fun to listen to their music. It was all of Ryan Shupes group so the were calling themselves the Mini Rubberbands. Peter is the owners son and so every other year he comes and performs. We have also had Eclipse come and perform.

Dinner was really good. They had 4 different cheese cubes, various fruits and veggies, salad, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy, ham, roast, turkey and one other unidentifiable meat that Shane thinks was pastrami. They had cheesecake and eclairs for dessert and I had to have the whole eclair and a couple bites of chhesecake until Shane took it from me, after I told him I didn't want it.

We got neighbor gifts taken around Thursday. We did mini loaves of homemade wheat bread. I ended upmaking 2 batches because Shane wanted some for here at the house. It turned out really yummy! There are 8 more families I want to do something for so I need to make some goodies for goody plates. Maybe next week sometime.

I have an appointment with the neurologist tomorrow to see if they can figure out what is wrong with my right foot and arm and left hand. I am crossing my fingers.

Delphia's great grandma crocheted a hat to keep her head warm. It looks really cute on her. We got it on Friday in the mail at my mom's just in time for the big snowstorm we had. It has proved very useful over the last 2 days. Here's some pictures of her that we took today of her and her hat.

4 3

2 1

Tomorrow we have a family Christmas party with Shanes family. Shanes mom bought Christmas outfits for all the grandkids so we are going to attempt to get a picture of all of them together. They just brought the dress by and she will look really cute! I'll have to post pictures later.

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