Wednesday, May 28, 2008

9 Months and Counting!

Today was Phia's 9 months appointment with Dr. Erickson. Drumroll please......she was 19.42 lbs (59%), 26.57 inches (17%) and head circumference 18.0 in (91%). I ended up taking her to her appointment by myself which turned out to not be a big deal because she is such a good baby! She wouldn't smile or wave at anyone during her appointment. She was all business and the only sound she made was a fuss when he was looking in her right ear. I have never seen her so quiet! She did do her "what do you want" pose for the receptionist and they all got a kick out of that. We got back to my mom's and she looked at me when I opened the door and then closed her eyes so put her down for a nap. That's what happens when she didn't go to bed till 10:15 last night and was up at 3:30.



This was taken today after her nap. She is proudly showing off her tooth.

These are her 9 month pictures. We had to take a couple to get a good one.


Practicing the wave....






Official 9 month picture! What a doll!

We had a pretty busy 4 day goes the run down!

Saturday we hung out at the house and got some cleaning done until afternoon rolled around. We also got a 15x15 ft garden tilled in the back and then decided that wasn't enough space so we had to run into Lehi before Shanes Grandma Schow's 80th birthday party to get more manure. Let me tell you, this manure stunk! It's not a wise idea to let manure sit in your car for the evening. We wandered over to Target in search of a watering can, which we finally found at Wal-Mart. We also got some African violet food and Miracle Grow. We then went to the birthday party and had Hawaiian Haystacks and visited with the Schow side of the family. On the way home we stopped at Wal-Mart and guess what I found.....


It took everything I had not to dance in the check-out line!

To be continued when I get a Phia needs me to cuddle her!

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