Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Teddy Bear and More Busyness

This first picture has to be one of my shows exactly how much she loves her teddy bear as of late....I can't decide if I like it better in color or in black and white.

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She LOVES this teddy bear and it's not even one we have given her to play with. He sits on her dresser behind her clock and lately she points at him when we are in her room. She loves to hug him and she sleeps with him every night. First thing she does when she wakes up in the morning or from a nap is grab her teddy bear so that he can get out of the crib with her. He really is a comfort to her and is there when she wakes up and she talks to him, though this morning after her nap she threw him out of the bed. He must have done something to upset her! Here's a couple more pictures with her bear. She loves to chew on him and on multiple occasions has had fur on her face and mouth while bear is sopping wet by the bow on his neck.

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Yesterday we were at my mom's visiting and Ashley and the girls were over. Ashley and I decided that Phia has some signature moves. The following is one of the two....She loves to point and something about the way she does it is so darn cute. She gets her arm all the way up by her chin, points and goes, "uh, uh, uh!" Today she was after the library books in the top of her closet. Sometimes she points and we have no idea what she wants and then she gets really upset. Tonight for example Shane was making dinner and she was in her highchair and pointing at the counter, which had nectarines, pears and apricots in a bowl, orange rolls in a container, bananas and the candy jar. He kept holding thing up, none of which she wanted and he finally figured that she wanted a sucker out of the candy jar. I walked out and he was just watching her and smiling and he told me to come look at her and she was sitting there with the sucker in her mouth, wrapper still in, twirling it around saying,"Mmmmmmmm!" What a girl!




This was just a cute one after her nap. I think she looks a lot like me in this picture....

On Monday I did her hair like this...


and when we took it out that night it looked like this.....


She even went to Reams on Tuesday with her hair looking like that because Shane forgot we had to go to the store and took her hair out when he put her in her pj's.


Now that she can get here she wants she has been banned from my scrapbook room. She will climb up to my cardstock boxes and touch the paper and the pull a sheet out. I tell her no and she points at me and just smiles so then I have to go remove her from the cardstock temptation.....No matter what I have to distract her she always makes her way over to my paper.

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She is really starting to get fast at crawling..,.this video was taken last Friday and she is a lot faster now.....

These are just on the chair Monday. I was trying to get a good picture of her hair and she was having fun being silly for the camera.


I have discovered that she is my carbohydrate girl. She can push food away like she's not hungry, but then put a muffin, french toast or waffle in front of her and she will eat a ton! We had waffles on Monday and she ate a quarter of one and then was pointing at mine, because she still wanted some and she ate another quarter waffle. She also loves yogurt! She really likes peach and strawberry banana is okay. Yesterday at my mom's I was feeding her yogurt and was talking to my mom and she was all leaned over trying to get the spoon that wasn't even close to her mouth.


Just another misc. shot with her teddy bear and her fluffy hair!

Phia loves to play with Daddy! It cracked me up to watch them play on Sunday. When Shane gets home from work her eyes just light up! It is great!

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On Saturday Shane helped me with making a target for singing time so he was using the bowls to trace the circles and Phia had a hay day banging and playing with them.

She has a passion for the piano. We had thought about getting her a little toy piano for her birthday, but are afraid that she will still prefer the real piano. She crawls over to it and stands up to the bench and does her little point. At first she would sit down and play but now she wants to stand up and play. Sometimes she just plays and sometimes she sings along.

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She also loves to sit under her highchair and roll it over the kitchen floor.


She loves to sit in our room and unpack every diaper out of her changing basket and then pull the lantern out from under the bed. Today I turned it on for her and she would tip it over and then try to stand it up again all the while saying mama over and over till she got it standing upright and then she would smile and tip it over again and redo the whole process.

When she was in the tub this morning she stood up to the edge which was a first. Lately she has been fascinated by the drain and the first couple time she could lift it but not lock it into place, but now she knows how to drain the tub. Sunday morning she rolled onto her stomach and got a mouth of water. She tried to do it again today and got mad when I turned her back over.

She discovered the radio today over in the corner and is amazed with the CD cases that were on top of it. I was getting our lunch ready and went into the living room to get her to put her into her highchair and she wasn't in there. I had heard her talking so figured she had crawled into my room or her room, but she wasn't in there either. When I was going back into the living room she was talking and I saw that she was over by the radio having a grand old time.

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