Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Whole Lot of Craziness

Let's see, the craziness started about 2 weeks ago, hence me not posting!

Sunday the 14th was Spencer's mission farewell. It went really well and he gave a good talk. Pretty much just my dad's side came since my cousin Cory was also having his farewell the same day on my mom's side. It was fun to visit with everyone and see people that I haven't seen for awhile. The food was delicious and there was plenty of it! Shane and I were the last ones to leave and we had a really good visit with Melody and Spencer.

Here's a picture from Sunday:


Last Saturday my parent's Stake got a new Stake Presidency and released the previous one that had been in for 10 years.


President Harmon, President Call, Elder Holland, John Huntsman, President Emery

We had a feeling lately that my dad was going to be put in the Presidency and my parents did also. They kept saying that Kay Brown was going to be president so I don't think they were too worried about that. Shane I and went up Saturday and just brought Sunday clothes in case he was put in. He went to his interview in the morning and by 2:30 he figured they had already called the new Presidency and that he was in the clear. About 3:30 he got a call for he and my mom to come over. He was then called as the 1st Counselor. He will do a great job and he is excited about his new calling!


My dad, President Brown, Elder Holland, John M Huntsman and President Higgs.

That afternoon we visited as a family and had a good time visiting with my Grandma Cook who hadn't seen the 3 yougest grandbabies. We had a fun time taking pictures with everyone.


Shane, Phia and I


Grandma Cook and my dad with Chloe, Phia, Emma and Ruby


Todd, my dad, me, Spencer on the back, Ashley across everyone and Dallen in the front

Tuesday night Spencer was set apart as a missionary so we went over to the Stake Center for that.


Me, Ashley, Spencer, Todd and Dallen


Dad, Jed, Mom, Ruby, Ashley, Emma, Melody, Me, Spencer, Shane, Phia, Todd, Meg, Chloe and Dallen

On Wednesday we took Spencer to the MTC. He will be serving in the San Bernadino California mission. We all drove down to IHOP on University Ave and went to breakfast. Phia's highchair strap didn't work and before I knew it she was standing in the highchair and I had to request a new one. Shortly after that I gave her some french toast and she sneezed and little french toast pieces went all over me, her and the table! Sahe had fun with the straw to her cup and 2 other straws before they all eventually ended up on the floor. She kept trying to escape the highchair even though she was strapped in.

We then headed to the MTC and were a bit early so we walked up to the temple and had to change Phia's yucky diaper on the grass. We headed to the MTC and took some pictures.


It will be interesting to see how different they both look when Spencer gets back.

After we were done at the MTC we went to which had yummy rice pudding! I love rice pudding and I got a carmel and butterfinger. It was delicious!

Yesterday we visited with my Aunt Cindy and her family on their way home from taking my cousin to the MTC and that was fun. We had Costco pizza at my mom's. Mmmmmmm!

On Sunday we got in the car to head home and it wouldn't start so we ended up staying over night. The next morning the mechanic came to look at it and he thought the starter had gone out. We had it towed to his shop and told him to fix the engine and the tire. He fixed the problems and was able to just tighten and lube the ignition. My dad drove it home and heard a funny sound and stopped and looked and 6 inches of the tire was torn off. So, Shane had to get two of the tires replaced, which were planning on doing in October anyway.

I finished two projects over the last couple days...



I need to get my fall/Halloween stuff put up this next week!

We got Phia's 13 month picture taken today for her scrapbook....014

Here are a couple of others.....

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Later she was playing with the bread pans in the computer room....

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These are from a couple weeks ago. She has perfected the squinty smile....

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She loves playing with string and paper, and believe me she finds it everywhere!


Her newest thing is going up the stairs. She hasn't figured out going down yet and tried to go head first. When I am at my mom's we have to put the gate at the bottom of the stairs or she hightails it to the stairs and starts to head up. The other day she was playing in the family room and all of the sudden I couldn't hear her. I went to find her and found her halfway up the stairs and she just turned and waved at me. She is really good at getting up them.

Well, I am off to work on my stocking and will post more tomorrow about the weekend and hopefully a picture of my finished stockings.

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