Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pumpkins Finally!

About the middle of September I saw a paper plate covered in torn red constuction paper with a leaf and a stem. It was a cute little apple and I kept thinking how much fun Phia would have making one. Well, it never got done and pretty soon it was October so I decided we would make a pumpkin in the same manner. It has gotten put off a couple times but Delphia knew right where it was last night when I told her we were going to make it. She got right on the couch and up the the barrish area and got herself the pipe cleaners and was ready to go!

She tore the paper after I tore it into strips, she drizzled glue onto the plate, stuck almost all the orange squares on, helped e glue the stem on and lent me a finger to curl her vine. She was very proud of it so we hung it on the fridge!


MamaBug said...

That's stinkin' cute! Good for you for being such a fun mom. :)

Meg Cook said...

So cute! You always have fun ideas for craft projects!
