Sunday, November 1, 2009

Think She's Tired?

Delphia just goes and goes and she gets really silly when she is tired. However, on occasion she just stops in her tracks and falls asleep. Today was one of those days. It was about 4:30 and she wanted to watch Lucy and when we told her she could she asked for a popsicle. We let her have one one time and ever since Lucy and popsicles are related. We gave her a popsicle and set her on a towel to eat it. Pretty soon I saw her lay down but didn't think much of it because she often lays down and watches tv. However about 2 minutes later I thought, "I bet she is asleep." I asked Shane and he said she was awake. I sat up in the chair and she looked like she was out. I asked Shane if he was sure se was awake and he looked at her and we just started laughing!


MamaBug said...

I have a collection of my kids asleep in odd places too. Great pictures in this last set of posts. I really enjoy reading your blog.

Lanette said...

That's so adorable! She is the cutest kid! So I am really bad at commenting, as I'm sure you've noticed--usually I read and say I'll comment later, and then it just doesn't happen. But I really appreciate your comments on my blog (especially your last one!) and will try to be better at commenting too =) Oh, and by the way--we're staying here for Thanksgiving--Shaun's parents are coming to town, and we're going to try to make a feast on our own for them and my brother David. Also, Shaun and I truly love babysitting, so if you guys ever need one, please please please sign us up =)
