Sunday, January 9, 2011

Random Funnies From The Past Few Months

1) Everytime Josie poops she pulls on both of her ears. It is so hard not to laugh when she does it!

2) Delphia calls Josie Josie Jaddles.

3) Delphia finally stopped having accidents after she decided there was a Pee-Pee Monster who would come and get her if she peed her pants. What a blessing that has been. I was to the point that I didn't know what to do. She tells us she's not finished potty-training but every morning she wakes up and tells us that she is not going to pee her pants because she wants to stay with us and not go with the Pee-Pee Monster! We will have to remeber this when we try to potty train Josie.

4) Delphia went to Sunbeams for the first time today and we didn't know what to expect since we have had problems with her going to nursery because she is "done with the little people!" We walked her into Primary and she went and sat by her teacher. After Sharing Time she walked to her class and gave me a hug and went on her merry way.

5) Delphia thinks that Tinkerbell protects her room by sleeping in the corner of her bed.

6) Josie loves to point her finger. If you point your finger she will reach out and point with her finger and touch yours.

7) We call Josie our Roly-Poly. If you lay her on the bed she rolld over right away. It is quite the feat to change her diaper.

8) Delphia is in love with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

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