Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A Bit of Scrap

I was flipping through the channels this morning and noticed that QVC was having an all day scrapbook fair. I love watching QVC and Shane always says, "Do we have to watch this." However this morning he was getting ready to head up to Salt Lake to see some patients and so before he could ask if we had to watch it I said, "Don't say anything, you are getting ready to leave and I want to watch this." He just couldn't argue with that! It did put me in the scrapbook mood however and I decided to post a couple of my latest pages and maybe I will add a couple more this evening as I finish them up.




This page is a digital page that I did at my mom's. I love digital and not having to clean up a mess and thought about going completely digital at one point. Shane was right though when he told me I could never give up my paper and all the other things. I have always loved paper and art supplies and to this day if we are walking through WalMart or Target I generally walk down the office supply aisle and look at all the crayons, markers, clay etc. It's a real love of mine!

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