Thursday, February 1, 2007

Little Bean

Well, here it goes. I have officially decided to start a blog, kind of as a journal for my pregnancy and just life in general. I had my first MD appt yesterday and he did an ultrasound (which I really needed for my sanity). I was so worried there wasn't a baby in there that I was going stir crazy! After trying for 2 years and going on Clomid and getting pregnant the first month I still was finding it hard to believe that everything was fine. Here's our little beans first picture.


Now it is really just the question of is it a boy or a girl. I feel very strongly that it is a boy, but everyone else I know thinks that it is a girl. Who can blame me for wanting a boy, why you ask. Well, it would be the first grandson on my family's side and we already have a name picked out. If it is a boy he will be name Ammon Blair and if it is a girl, well we are still working on that. I have multiple names I like it is just getting Shane to like one of them also. I really like the names Kennedy, Avery, Savannah and Delphia but he just thinks that they are just okay.

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