Sunday, April 10, 2011

Finicky Eater

We started Josie on whole milk about 2 weeks ago and she initially was not happy. She didn't like the cold milk at all when she went down for her naps. She would drink it fine out of her sippy cup, but she likes it warm for naps and bedtime. Thanks to a dear friend who mentioned that she always heated her kids milk up! She was a lifesaver that day!

After she became okay with the milk it was the matter of getting her to eat. We wanted to do sippy cup of milk at meals and throughout the day and a bottle only at nap and bedtime. Howevere, there was the small issue of her picky eating.

The last 2 weeks she has been waking up 3-4 times a night in a 12 hour period and drinking anywhere from 24-30 oz during that same time. That meant we were up a lot and it meant that even if we changed her diaper during the night she woke up soaked along with her bed. On top of that she had major diarrhea to contend with. It sure meant we were doing a lot of laundry!

Finally over the past 3 days she has been willing to sit and eat a meal with us. She really likes waffles, cinnamon toast and cream of wheat for breakfast, but doesn't like cereal. During lunch she has bread, yogurt, crackers, cheese and dinner we try to feed her what we are eating. We still have the issue of only having 2 teeth which makes it hard to feed her some things. The last 2 nights she has only woken up 2 times. Wonderful! Especially when we think that Delphia slept through the night at 3 months!

Last night we even gave her little apple pieces, which was pretty funny to watch her eat!

She is starting to love her sippy cup and is drinking out of it really well. (On that note we also threw Delphia's sippy cups away today and gave her new ones like Josie's and told her that they can't go to bed with her and she agreed and even threw one cup away happily!)

The funny thing when you feed Josie is that you will give her a piece of bread for her to eat and instead of just putting it in her mouth, she picks it up and tears off littler pieces and then eats them.

If she doesn't like something she will pull it out of her mouth and put it in your hand. She likes to be clapped for when she puts food in her mouth. She is really good at flipping the straw out of her mouth and spraying milk all over the table, the floor, herself and me and then smiling like it is funny!

We love her and are loving getting to know her funny and sweet personality!

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