Saturday, April 30, 2011

Josie's One Year Pictures

We asked Shane's dad to take Josie one year pictures on the day of her party. I was afraid that if we put it off we would never get them done. I don't have a single picture of Josie displayed in the house and I really wanted one. We never got Delphia's 3 year pictures taken and I really wish we had, so I wasn't going to miss birthday pictures again!

Shane's dad took them outside in front of our house after the partyy. Josie was tired and being really serious and I thought she was never going to smile, when I remembered that she was laughing earlier that week when Delphia was "juggling" bean bags fow her. We called Phia out and had her "juggle" and got quite a few smiles.

I am amazed at how the picture just show her personality. As I looked through them I could pinpoint different parts of her personality and it was so much fun to see!

This is her shy side, when she's not sure of who she is around or what is really going on....we see this side a lot when we do new things andmeet new people, but never at home.

This is Josie for the most part when she is happy. This is her comfortable smile and her happy eyes just sparkle!

This picture is totally Josie! We don't see this side too often, except at home where she is completely comfortable. Usually she gets really giggly when Delphia is doing something to make her laugh! She was laughing so hard that she was crying.

The rest of the pictures I loved because they show her reserved little nature. She is very curious, but she holds back and just watches until she feels safe.

When she smiles and giggles you know she really thinks that you are funny, because she doesn't give her smiles and giggles away for nothing!

I love her little blue eyes!


Debbie said...

These pictures are adorable. I love them. I can't wait to do some digital pictures with them. You sent us a smilebox of Josie's birthday to dad's phone, but we couldn't see it as well as on email. If you would email it to me that would be great! Love you!

Annie Moffatt said...

Your pictures are beautiful and your girls are VERY beautiful!!!


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