Thursday, March 8, 2007

  • I guess a month has almost past and I haven't updated my blog. I think this means that not too much has gone on.

    I am starting to feel a little better, but nights are just the worst! I don't know who thought that a good name was morning sickness, but mine is definitely night sickness. Ughhh!

    I had my MD appt last wee kand we got to hear the heartbeat, which was pretty cool. The heart beat was 156 which I guess the old wives tale says will be a girl but I am still pretty darn certain that it is a boy. Everyone else thinks that I will have a girl. We have finally settled on names, so once we find out what we are having on April 12 we will officially be able to call the baby by name. I finally got Shane to answer what he wants us to have, well kind of. He said that if we are only having one kid he wants a girl, but that if we are having more than one he doesn't care. We will definitely have more than one, I have just given him a bad time that I never want to be pregnant again.

    I found this cool name website. You can type in a name and it will tell you how many people had that name back until the 1880's. Pretty cool! The names that we like aren't really popular compared to some but we really like them. If it is a boy he will be Ammon Blair and if it is a girl she will be Delphia May and we will call her Delphi. I find it interesting that both of these names were really popular during the 1880-1890s.

    I can't wait to find out what we are having so that we can start on the nursery. If it is a boy we are going to paint and decorate the room in Behr Cloudless, Marsh Fern and Brown Tepee and if it is a girl we will decorate in Brown Tepee, Candy Coated and one other color. I made two polka dotted quilts that we are basing the colors on and I just love pink and brown and blue and brown.

    Well, I guess I better get to work and get some things done. We are having a birthday party thing at work today for our boss and having cake and ice cream. We couldn't decide what to do for him and on Monday I brought in a bundt cake with sour cream, white chocolate chips and pudding and he ate 3 pieces and so we decided that he must really like it and so that's what we are doing. Some of the gals in the office wrapped stuff on his desk and the pictures on his wall yesterday after he left and blew up balloons and put them everywhere. It should be pretty fun!

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