Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Spring Fever

Believe it or not, it was snowing at our house today! Phia and I have Spring Fever something horrible. It's been too cold to even go for a walk. It is supposed to be 66 on Sat, 72 on Sun, 75 on Mon and 71 on Tues! Happy days!

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This is Phia's new thing. She has been doing it for about a week. She will go from happy smiley to eye squinty huffy! She's not neccesarily upset. She just thinks it is funny. She does it when she eats (food or bottle), plays and is being held. I kept telling her to do it this morning just so I could get a picture of her doing it for posterity! It cracks everyone up when she does it.


Her newest newest thing is honking like a goose. I kid you not that's exactly what she sounds like. She honks over and over again and it cracks Shane up. It does get on my nerves by the end of the day sometimes though! She is making goose noises in the picture above!

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On Sunday we sat her in her bouncy chair while Shane made breadsticks to go with our lasagne. This is how she sits, with her feet up in the air resting on the part that goes over her. Shave also told her she sounded like a horse because she sounded like she was neighing while has was baking.

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What did I tell ya? She loves books! Grandma Freeman brought this to Girls Night Out on Saturday at Haleys and she loves it! She chews on it and looks at it, loves having it read to her. I decided that its her book and she can do whatever she wants with it! She was laying on the bed reading with Mommy! Like mother like daughter!

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We spent the day at my mom's on Monday and we were making some brownies and my mom had given Phia the piano to play with but thought she needed something to hit the top with so she gave her a wire whisk. Phia thought it was the greatest thing ever! She almost forgot about the piano which she also dearly loves. Later that evening she wouldn't go to bed and kept peeking around to where the piano was. Mommy gave in and out came the piano and wire whisks, this time Grandma gave her two and she started playing and banging away! I need to find her a little piano, because she has so much fun with it!


This bear sits on her dresser with her clock and lately everytime I get her up from sleeping she puts her hands out towards it and talks. I let her play with it this morning and what does she like best about it, the tag of course!


This was taken the last Sunday in March and she looks so grown up to me! She is 7 1/2 months today and those months have just seemed to zip right by!

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