Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Day

Earlier last week we were at my mom's and we were trying to teach Josie to put her hand over her mouth and move it up and down and make noises. She is getting it now and it is so funny to watch her! She also has picked up the "z" sound and always says, "zzzz,zzzz, zaza!" It makes me laugh because we have been working on letters with Delphia and so she is constantly saying, "Aaa, aaa, apple" etc and I think Josie has picked up a few sounds from that.

Delphia wouldn't let Josie draw on the Magnadoodle and that made Josie extremely sad.....

However, all it took was getting her bear to make her happy again!

Delphia still loves to draw and is constaly using her Doodle. She was drawing was drawing a snowman for me in this picture and she even gave him a belly button! She is a very good artist and I am constantly amazed at the things she draws and at how accurate they are!

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