Friday, February 2, 2007

To Be Comfortable or Not, That is the Question

Well, I have reached that point in being pregnant that my pants are just not comfortable. Everyone I have asked says to stay in regular clothes as long as possible because you get so sick of maternity clothes. Yesterday Shane and I went shopping and I ended up getting 3 pairs of maternity pants and 6 shirts. They were so much more comfortable than my normal pants. I actually felt like I could breathe! Here's the links if you are interested (I haven't figured out how to post pictures from a website yet) http:// ,,, and

Let me just tell you that I am so glad I made the jump and that I am so much more comfortable! I felt a little silly at first because my sister in law is 6 weeks farther along and not really showing, but what the heck I much prefer being comfortable!

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