Wednesday, February 20, 2008

7 Weird Facts....

  • 7 Weird Facts

    Carin from tagged me to post 7 wierd or random facts

    Here are the rules

    1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
    2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
    3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
    4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
    5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

    Here are your random/wierd facts
    1. I love getting mail! I look forward to checking it every day. I love getting free things in the mail and Shane always wonders what is in the boxes that come. Little boxes of cereal, socks, deodorant.....anything to open makes me happy!

    2. I am not a movie watcher. My family gives me a bad time about it but there really just isn't much I want to see.

    3. I have never lit a match. I am terrified of fire and don't even like a candle burning when I am not in the room.

    4. I didn't really like chocolate too much until after I had Delphia. Now sometimes I just crave chocolate.

    5. I love to sew, but I hate sewing clothes. This includes heming pants, stitching up holes, sewing on buttons.

    6. I love to read food blogs and try different recipes from them.

    7. I can't finish one project before starting another one. I always have a million different things to work on.

    I am tagging

    My mom



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