Tuesday, August 24, 2010

4 Months and 3 Year Check-ups

On Monday the girls had their check-up with Dr Erickson. Josie had her 4 month and Delphia had her 3 year.

Here are their stats:
Josie 12.9 lbs (26%), 24.21 in (39%) and her head is 17.0 in (91%)
Delphia 27.78 lbs (20%), Ht 32.52 in (0%)

It was fun to come home and compare Josie's stats with Delphia's at that age. It was exciting to find out their stats, especially Delphia's since she hasn't been in for a year.

Josie was excellent with no tears the whole visit until she had her 3 shots. Delphia was an entirely different story. We have been telling her she didn't have to have shots until Kindergarten, but apparently had been lying as she had to get 2 shots. However, that wasn't the start of the tears. The tears started when Dr Erickson looked in her ears. Why? I haven't the slightest clue... He let her choose a sticker (She chose Jessie from Toy Story) and then showed Delphia that Josie let him look in her ears. Then he tried Delphia again but she started crying again and Grandma had to hold her hands.

When it came time for shots I asked Phia if she wanted to go first or have Josie go first. She told me that she wanted Jose to go first. Grandma told her she thought she hould go first and get it over with but she was firm in her decision that Jose go first.

All day long she was telling anyone who would listen that she had surgery on her legs (meaning shots.)

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