Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chickens Eat Your Tongue!

Delphia has recently started sticking her tongue out when she is upset with us or wanting to sass us. I wasn't sure where she had gotten it from until I realized that she loves Peter Pan and Return to Neverland and that the lost boys stick their tongues out at Hook.

We had talked to her mulyiple times and put her in time out for sticking her tongue out. Nothing seemed to sink in however.

Until she was at my parents last Saturday and she stuck her tongue out. I guess grandpa told her if he saw her do it again he would send her out to the garage to have the chickens in his garage eat her tongue. That got through to her because since he told her that she has only stuck her tongue out once.

This of course has led to other topics containing chickens. Last night for instance she walked out with Shane to the car to carry stuff out to go home. She carried Josies dirty diaper out to put in the garbage and when she got on the porch she tossed it into the yard and told Shane that they would just leave it there for the chickens. Shane put the things in the car and went to pick up the diaper and Delphia got very upset telling him that it was for the chickens. Shane picked it up and told her they would feed it to the chickens in the backyard. She agreed and told him she would throw it in the garage for the chickens. Shane got to the back and lifted the garbage can lid and told her to throw it in. She told him that the chickens weren't in the garbage, that they were in the garage. Shane told her that the chickens that eat diapers were in the garbage and that the chickens in the garage didb't eat diapers just so she would throw it in!

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