Thursday, June 9, 2011

Oh Toodles!

Little miss Josie has fallen in love with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. When they call for toodles then she puts her hand to her mouth and calls, "Oh toodles!" We have a video, but it's not letting me upload right now.

She is starting to try and talk a lot now. She says uh-oh, baby, momma, daddy, toodles, kind of a hi.

You can actually have a pretend conversation with her and it is quite funny! You can ask a question, our current favorite is, "Josie, do you want Frosted Flakes or Chex?" to which she will respond, "Ummmmm, Chex" or "Ummmmm, flakes." It makes us laugh because that is the only question she says Ummm to.

Today she was holding the phone talking to Shane on his way home. He would say something to her and she would be quiet, but as soon as he was finished asking she would jabber about something. This went on and on and it sounded like a real life conversation.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

That little Josie is just a hoot! It is fun getting to hear them start to say words and hear their sweet little voices. Such a fun time!
