Sunday, December 16, 2007

Little Things....

This week my post is all about the little things....

Delphia is doing lots of new little things. Last Tuesday she started sucking on her bottom lip. It kept her quite entertained. She started to stick her tongue in and out like a snake yesterday. It seriously cracks me up every time she does it. She was doing it this morning and I said, "Isn't it funny!" to Shane and he said that he thought it was funnier that I say "Isn't it funny!" every time she does it. She must have just figured out that she has a tongue and can move it all around. We took these pictures of her yesterday. I think I will be lucky if I get a picture that her tongue isn't out.

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Another little thing is the return of Ollie the Octopus. When Shane and I went to Denver almost 2 years ago I found these bath mitts at Pottery Barn Kids and just had to have them as puppets. When we got home from our trip I got Ollie out to play with Ruby and he was a hit! We also took him on our trip to Palmyra in August 2006 and he was great entertainment to Ruby. No one cas resist that cute little octopi face of his. The other day I wondered if Delphia would like him. He has a bunch of other friends, but Ollie is the best. There is a Cathy the Cat, Dexter the Dog, Freddy the Frog, Bridgette the Butterfly, Tiny the Turtle, Penelope the Pig, Leo the Lion and the duck whose name escapes me at the moment. So, I got Ollie out and Delphi and I played with him. He crawled across her tummy and touched her nose with his tentacle. It's not quite as funny to her as it was to Ruby, but give her a few months and we will have a blast! This is a picture Ollie and Delphia.


She is starting to smile more often and when we stay home we end up visiting on Shane and I's bed at some point during the day. This was one of our latest chats.


Last Monday I had my appointment with the neurologist. He asked questions and tested my reflexes, asked what the turn dial on a watch was called and what you threaded your shoelaces through. I was questioning whether I ever knew those things and something was really wrong with me. I did know the shoelace one though. He whisphered words in one ear and crinkled paper in the other, asked me to repeat words. Fo some reason he seems convinced that when I fell off the curb on vacation in Palmyra it wasn't just ana ccident but the beginning of all this? It doesn't make sense to me at all. It was a total accident and my mom would blame it on my silly shoes. Anyways, he sent me in for an MRI on Wednesday which was the highlight of my week. They were loking for MS or a brain lesion and at first Shane and I were really upset and then I realized that just because that's what they are testing for means nothing. They are just trying to eliminate some bigger things. My dad and Shane gave me a blessing Wednesday morning and I felt pretty calm. They only did my C-spine and brain. Shane and I both feel really strongly that it is not anything major and so we aren't too worried about my follow-up this coming Friday. My mom has said that she feels the same way and Shane keeps saying that whatever it is we will get through it and that we are in this together.

The major shock of the whole MRI thing was that when we got up there we filled out a ton of paperwork and was then told that I couldn't breastfeed my baby for 48 hours! My first thought was WHAT?!?! What exactly am I supposed to do. I have enjoyed breastfeeding and you have such a bond with your baby during that time. I enjoyed it, but didn't realize how much I would miss it until they told me I couldn't nurse her. We had to go pick up formula at Costcos because we didn't have enough at my moms. Luckily Delphia takes a bottle, since she has gotten 2 oz every night pretty much since she has been born. I was worried about her not wanting to go back to nursing, but Shane assured me she would. I called Michele Carr to ask her what I should do since I couldn't nurse and she explained how to express the milk. WHAT A PAIN! Every 2-3 hours that what I did for 30-40 minutes. Luckily Shane took Thursday off so that I could stay home and have his help. Friday morning she went right back to nursing and was a little fussy all day since I didn't have as much milk. Saturday was better but still every hour and a half I was nursing. It was like having a newborn and I was getting frustrated because we had just gotten to the point that she only nursed about every 3 hours and I knew she was getting enough to eat. Today has been much better and she is back to every 2 1/2 - 3 hours and even went 4 hours at one point today. Here's a picture from her bottle fed baby days.


Last night we went to Shane party for Costco. It was at Noahs in Lindon and was from 7:30-11:45. It was supposed to be catered and they were giving away great prizes like a KitchenAid, a 37 inch HDTV, $100 cash cards, $50 cash cards, Playstation, Dyson vacuum etc. Shane won a $50 cash card. The line for food was ridiculous and the food wasn't that great. They had rolls, salad, veggies and dip, stuffing, ham, turkey and mashed potatoes. So, after standing in line for 30+ minutes for food we get up there and all they have left is dessert plates (they had to wash bigger plates) We go through the line and are told that they only have the potatoes that are left in the warmer, so not to take a ton. We sit down and the potatoes we like mashed garlic with a few potatoes mixed in. I didn't dare eat them for Delphia's sake. They served alcohol and let me tell you that people get really loud when they are drunk. It was quite interesting to say the least!

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