Monday, December 3, 2007

Almost 3-6

  • Almost 3-6

    I just have to share the adorable pictures of Delphia. She is starting to wear 3-6 month stuff even though it's still a little big. Some of her 0-3 is still big and she still wears some newborn things. I love babies in overalls!

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    She is at this stage where she loves having her hand in her mouth. Preferbly her thumb, but she can't always get it in there by itself. She gnaws, chews and sucks on anything that touches her mouth.


    It is nice that she doesn't take a binky because I don't have to worry about breaking that habit. It's nice that she is getting better at getting her hand in her mouth because it help her soothe herself.


    She loves tummy/floor time lately and will just lay and be happy as long as someone is there to have a conversation with. She apparently is like me when I was a baby. She can be perfectly happy until she can't see her mommy or daddy and then she gets upset, but the second she can see you again she is fine.

    Yesterday was a horrible day, or should I say that it started horribly. We got to church on time and the pianist wasn't there for Relief Society. A gal volunteered to play the first note of the opening song and I (out of habit) asked if they wanted me to play. It was an easy song, one that I have played a million times. I got back to the piano bench and sat down and realized that I wasn't going to be able to play it, after trying to play the intro. I played the melody with my left hand and after it was over I went to get Shane because I was so embarrassed and really frustrated at mot being able to do something as simple as play a song, something I have been doing since 3rd grade. I really try to have a good attitude about whatevere is going on but it all hit me yesterday and I was just upset. I told Shane I wanted to go home and was bawling because I was so frustrated. Things that use to be so easy are such a struggle. I knock things off counters, can't put eyeliner on, have trouble going up and down stairs, I can't stir things very well, I eat with my left hand and type one handed with my left hand. Shane was very understanding and made me feel better. I sure hope when we go to the neurologist on the 10th that we can make sense of what is going on.

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