Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Turning Over a New Leaf

Delphia thought that she needed to make a resolution for the New Year. She decided that she was going to try to nake more naps. Up to this point is her little life naps are far and few, and when she does nap she keeps them short and sweet! New Years Day she was tired and she napped a ton, taking lots of naps throughout the day and just cuddling with her eyes closed (otherwise known as fake napping!) She has since taken around a 1 hour nap every morning and a 1 1/2 - 2 hour nap in the afternoon! What a great thing! I feel like I get to work on some projects and she in happy because she has slept and it leaves me rejuvenated for the rest of the day!



These pictures are from New Years Day of Phia and her rubber duck! Every little kid needs a rubber ducky! She is getting better at holding it and likes to give him a nibble on the beak when she can get it to her mouth!


This was taken this morning when she was having tummy time. She loves her link-a-doos. I was thinking that they were a waste of money because she never looks at them on her carseat. Last week her and I went to my dads store to help wuth inventory and my mom helped watch her so I could do some data entry. My mom had her in the carseat and she let the links down and Delphia had a ball pulling on them and she would give a little grunt when she would pull them harder. What a funny baby!


This picture has to be my favorite! She is always happy in the morning (even though she gets up between 6-6:40) pretty much every morning! She has been struggling when we try and wrap her at night and I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't want her to pull her blanket over her face, etc. I was talking to Ashley yesterday and she suggested laying her on top of the blanket like you were going to wrap her and then just wrap it around her bottom half leaving her arms out. She woke up once last night and we went and fed her and 2 other times she woke up but fell right back asleep. About 6:20 she woke up and I could hear her thumping her feet on her mattress and then she would kind of scream and then she would proceed to blow raspberries (which is her new thing). She continued on like this until about 6:50 and I just layed in bed giggling. I think she likes to have her freedom to move about.

About a month a go I would roll my lips and she loved it! Little did I know she would soon be imitating me! It makes it quite fun to feed her rice cereal!

She was getting too big for her tub in the sink and she splashes so much that it majes a mess. I was upset over how I was going to bath her since my right hand doesn't work real well. It made me nervous to bath her in the big tub, but I don't want to have to depend on Shane for help since he doesn't get home till she is in bed and is gone before she wakes up. So, tonight we did a run through. I bathed her in the big tub and Shane just watched. I feel pretty confident and she had a ton of fun. Shane wanted to make sure I could get her out before we ran water in the tub, so he layed a towel in the bottom and we set her in. She looked pretty funny since she was still in her diaper and socks on. I did great though and I even washed her back which Shane was afraid to do. So, here's to bathing in the big tub where lots of splashing stays in the tub and not all over the kitchen floor.

Shane and I have made a goal to read the Book of Mormon by the end of July and to read our Sunday lessons for RS and Priesthood. We are caught up to date and hopefully will keep it up. Another resolution of mine is to finish some long overdue projects. I have some stitcheries and cross stitches that I want to get hung up in my house so it looks more homey!

I will have to post a picture of the project I almost finished today. I just need my mom's help to stitch were I had to turn it right side out. I tried to do it and got really frustrated with my hand, so hopefully my mom can help me tomorrow.

Well, I better get going to bed since I need to get up early so Delphi and I can be ready to visit with my mom when she gets here at 9:30. It will be fun to have her down. She hasn't been here since we blessed Delphia in October, since I am usually at her house!

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