Friday, September 12, 2008

What's With That

I start my post with that question.....what's with that?


What is with the squinty eyes when I am trying to get a picture. This morning I was trying to get a cuteicture of her and about 90% of my pictures had this kind of face. She was all cute and smiley till I held up the camera and then poof, there was that face! I guess you take what you can get. I did get a few semi good ones, so here goes....

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Her newest thing has to do with her wipes. She loves to stick her hand down in the container and then pull a wipe or wipes rather out of the container. She then proceeds to bite a piece off and chew on the wipe. YUCK! Yesterday I went downstairs to start some laundry and this is what I came back to.

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Yet again it happened this morning....

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This is the one of the faces she gives me when I tell her no. The other is she bends her head down a bit and looks at me from under her eyelashes.


How can you get upset with a face like that!

Yesterday we made strawberry freezer jam and it turned out fabulous! We also did laundry, dishes and just other normal everyday things. For dinner I made black bean chili. It would have been delicious if Shane had gotten green chilis and not jalpenos at the grocery store. Needless to say it was a tad bit hot and Shane will be eating ALL of it!

We spent some time outside reading and playing. It was a beautiful day with a nice breeze.

Today I need to make rolls for a funeral in the ward, make lemon bars and another dessert and a jello for Spencers farewell on Sunday. The rolls are rising, but I went the lazy way and did Rhodes rolls.

This morning I decided I would scramble Phia an egg for breakfast and give her some toast. She ate 3/8 pieces of toast 2 bites off egg and then she decided that she wanted my oatmeal. All that work to cook an egg and she doesn't even want it. Sometimes I feel like all she eats are carbs. I guess if you offer other things that's all you can do.

This is a video from earlier this morning of her just wandering around the house...

and another of her talking on her play phone...she was talking on it a ton but when the camera came out she wasn't quite as cute because she had an audience.

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