Sunday, November 16, 2008

Messy Eating

  • Messy Eating.....

    Last week I told Phia I was going to take a picture of her and she immediately started scrambling to get up so she could be standing. She looks so cute when she tries to walk but is still very unsure of herself. She has taken 6-7 steps a couple times. She will walk to Shane and I the best, instead of other people. On Tuesday we dropped Shane off at Costco and went shopping for a bit. We shopped at Costco and then went over to the mall. Mervyns is closing but there weren't any great deals. We ended up at Payless Shoes to find her some church shoes. They measured her feet and she is now a size 3. We didn't find church shoes but found a pair of tennis shoes. They gave her a Dora sticker when we went in and when we left it was half eaten! I didn't put her shoes on when we left Payless so you can imagine my suprise when I got her out of the stroller to put her in her carseat and she was sockless!


    She loves riding her giraffe. She can actually get on and off really well but sometimes she still rides side saddle!003

    That night I was exhausted and didn't want to cook so Shane brought home Costco take and bake pizza. We were not impressed. Phia liked it but she loves anything pizza! I had made mac and cheese for lunch but made the mistake of serving another favorite food with it, an apple. I should have gone for yogurt. She wanted apple for every bite and not so much the mac and cheese! Her she is with her crust. She kept trying to poke it with her fork to eat it, but it was pretty tough.


    This is her new thing. She loves to open her mouth really wide whether she has food in it or not. It makes it handy for teeth brushing but otherwise it's just funny! Her eyes get really big and it just cracks us up!

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    We were watching Good Things Utah on Wednesday and they had a dog on for adoption at the end. I pointed to the dog and she got all excited and was making her dog sound, pointing, making excited sounds and signing dog. The show ended and she started to cry because the dog was gone. I had to distract her so we went and read some books.

    Shane had the day off on Thursday so we hung out at home for a bit but when Phia woke from her nap I was feeling wandery so we headed to Costco in Lehi for some construction paper, hot cocoa and gum. I was still not ready to go home after that so we ran to Red Baloon in search of Ticket to Ride the card game but they were sold out. We also went to Deseret Book and Petco. We found a really fun cat at Petco so in the back of my mind I am thinking maybe for's just talking Shane into it, though it probably wouldn't take much. We read a couple books at Deseret Book but Phia wanted down because she wanted her own book to look at.


    Her pj's are a little long! They fit pretty well elsewhere but just the length drowns her. She doesn't seem to mind though and just goes about her business doing whatever she wants to do and not letting the floppy legs get in the way.


    She helped Shane dust on Thursday and was so cute! She was very careful not to knock things over and she was very through!


    Ignore her tired little face but pay attention to her arm! She woke up like this last week and then again in this picture. I am not sure what she does in her sleep but man she must be wild to get her arm to come out of the neck hole. She had just woken up on Saturday in this picture and probably wasn't too pleased about getting her picture taken or the flash that went off.

    She has not been eating as well as she used to, but will eat if she can do it herself. Shane was just putting her food on the table but I wasn't a fan of that so we picked up these little plates at Wal-Mart. They have 3 sections and came in 4 colors so we got 8 just in case she has cousins over. I don't think I will dare give her my Fiestaware fow awhile! This plate ended up on the floor last night complete with chicken, potatoes and grean beans.

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    After a little bit she started offering Shane her food and didn't want to feed herself. Shane would lean forward and take her food off her fork and put food off his plate into her mouth. It worked pretty well until the novelty wore off.

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    She loves pretty much anything she can sit in or on. On Friday my mom came out and we went to the Blue Goose so Shane had put the carseat in the living red to do it on her own. She was content so I went in the craftroom to make a barrette for her. She heard me open my scrapbook tackle box and scooted out of her chair, into the scrapbook room, grabbed the spool of ribbon and headed back to the carseat where she had unrolled the whole spool by the time I finished her barrette!


    Phia and I went to the Oh Sweet Sadie Boutique on Saturday at Noah's in Sandy. Here's the link.... They had lots of fun things and we foung the perfect suprise for Shane. He likes garbage in a garbage bag in the car, in our casy it's a Old Navy bag. I think it is hideous and so when I spotted this I immediately thought of him!


    It's a car litter box and you can take the bag out a replace it with a new bag. What a perfect thimg for Shane! I also picked up some crocheted headbands that we $1 each. I actually got her 8 crocheted and 2 nylon. Lately she doesn't always like having her hair done so I figured the headbands were a good option!

    Tonight at dinner she decided that she need her milk and a water bottle. She enjoyed her dinner though and loved the leftover refried beans while the burritos were cooking along with a little pepperjack cheese! She ate almost a whole burrito and 1 1/2 pieces of french toast this morning and a yogurt and 1/2 a banana at lunch!


    Here's a video of Delphia walking this evening:

    A couple projects that I need to back and bind. The quilt needs borders also.



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