Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to Who?

Delphia is really into pretending right now and the most normal thing become totally different in her imagination. Se has a stick pony from the dollar store and it amazes me the things she thinks of to use it for besides riding it like a horse. Riding it is actually the thing she does the least of. Sometimes she uses it as a bat with her dustpan as her mitt. Other times she uses for a "hangbrella" (umbrella) to keep the rain from getting her wet even though we are in the house or the car. She can say umbrella but calls it a "hangbrella," go figure! Sometimes it is her fishing pole and she winds it up" to catch her fish.

So, it didn't surprise me when she decided that her drum lid was a birthday cake. She was blowing out the candles and pretending to at it. At one point she had what she refers to as her "birthday hat" on her head. Her birthday hat is actually a white wicker basket turned upside down on her head with the handle under her chin. I never know what she will come up with next!

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