This is the blessing dress that was......
And this is the blessing dress that wasn't......
Ever since the time I was in Young Women's I have wanted to make my daughters blessing dress out of my wedding dress. Fast forward 7 years and I finally get the oppourtunity to do so. I have a friend in the ward that made her daughters dress from her dress and when I found that out and told her I had always wanted to do that she said that she would help me. I chose a dress that I wanted to copy and she found a pattern similiar to what I wanted. We got together and cut out the pieces one day and another day we started to sew them together. Last Tuesday it was getting down to the wire since we were blessing Delphia on October 14th. We finished the dress and I just needed to hem it, add the ribbon on the sleeves and bodice and put buttons on the back. On Tuesday I took it to my mom's and she helped me hem and do the ribbon.
It was then that I noticed the collar was starting to fray in 3 places. I didn't know how to fix it other that cut and sew a new collar. I didn't have my dress with me and I started to have a melt down because it's what I had my heart set on. My mom tried to figure out how to fix it and finaaly told me that we should just go buy a dress and that this wasn't worth stressing over.
Then it was just figuring out where one finds a blessing dress, especially because I am picky and wanted it really simple, with NO LACE! My mom suggested White Elegance or the Jordan River Temple Clothing Center. We went and looked on the White Elegance website and found a couple that were reasonably priced that I really liked. So, we hopped in the car with the baby and headed down to see what we could find. We found a dress that I really liked and then just had to decide whether to get it in newborn or 0-3 months. We ended up going with newborn because she is still just a tiny thing!
I felt so sad that she didn't get to be blessed in the one out of my wedding dress, but I didn't have the time to fix it! My plan is to get it fixed for the next girl and to bless her in it!
This was taken yesterday at my mom's. Delphia has a ton of clothes in 0-3 months that she is just getting big enough to wear, but they are starting to get to short pretty darn fast! Shane's Aunt Mary got her this outfit.
It has a little orange jacket that goes with it and she looks so grown-up in it!
On another high note she slept through the night Wednesday night! It hasn't happened since, but it was so nice the one time! I woke up thinking that it was close to 1:00 and that she would be waking up soon to eat and I looked at the clock and it read 3:51! I woke up Shane to go check on her and she was fine. It was pretty funny because just that morning Shane said, "It will be the biggest blessing when she sleeps through the night!"
This is her 7-week picture! I still can't believe she is getting so big! She is cooing more every day and she is starting to smile! She loves to stretch, and boy does she stretch! My dad says she stretches more than any baby he has ever seen. She is the hardest baby to nurse when she wakes up in morning because she is so busy stretching that she forgets she needs to eat!
She is defintely not a binkie baby. If she wants her binkie she will take it and if she is not interested she spits it right out or makes a funny face when you try to put it in her mouth! It will be wonderful when she can find her thumb consistently as shown above! It really calms her down.