Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just What I Almost Needed...

Last night I went to check the mail when we got home and I was surprised to find 2 Parents magazines in the mailbox. On the way into the house I was reading the cover and as I was reading I was getting really excited to read the magazine because a lot of it applied to me. It talked about the latest burping techniques, what to do when your house feels like a swamp and when wipes are just too small. I thought it was weird that there wasn't a real baby on the cover. This is what it looked like:


I opened it up to read about burping since Delphia is a really hard baby to burp, only to realize that it was a fake cover as an advertisment. It kinda upset me because the real magazine wasn't nearly as interesting.


This is Delphia's frog outfit from Costco by Little Me. She cracks me up! Yesterday she was wearing this and I was making dinner, so she was sitting in her carseat and she was as happy as could be. Ashley was watching her and she said, "She's watching her feet." I started watching her and sure enough she had noticed the cute little frogs on her feet and was wiggling them all around and just a grinnin'.


Delphia loves her bouncy chair. She sits in it while I eat breakfast. I watch her and talk to her while I eat. She has just started to notice the spiders that go up and down and she will just sit there and grin. She is a really happy baby in the morning. I grabbed the camera this morning because she was just smiling and grinning and the second she saw it no more smiles. What a baby!


She has just finished smiling in this picture. She sure was a happy baby most of the day, especially for being up at 6 and not napping, and not going to bed until 9:45.

Well, off to bed....

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Here Comes the Snow!

  • Here Comes The.....SNOW

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    This is what we woke up to this morning! We were supposed to get snow yesterday and we only got a little rain. I woke up this morning and looked out the window and this is what I saw!

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    Delphia doesn't really like tummy time at all! We lay her on her stomach and she either cries or just lays there and sucks on her hands. We can't even get her to lift her head. My mom says it's normal and that all babies do things own their own time table. She will lift her head off our shoulder and look around and she's pretty good at holding her head up, just not when she is on the floor.

    This Saturday is our Super Saturday. They had a lot of fun projects planned. I signed up to do a tile with a monogrammed vinyl "F" and Freeman underneath, a FHE book with ideas for the whole year and a stitchery. My mom is going to come down and spend a couple hours.

    Our lesson in Relief Society was really good. It was on Women and their role. She played this song by Hilary Weeks, which really went with the lesson and spoke volumes to me, paticularly as a new mom.

    I know you wonder if you'll ever have a day
    When the kids stay calm, the laundry's done and the dishes are put away
    And sometimes you feel like your days are spent and gone
    And the question running through your mind is what have i gotten done?
    And when you finally have a moment to slow down
    At the end of your day
    I know Father would say

    Believe in what you're doing
    Believe in who you are
    Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God
    Believe in who you're becoming
    Believe in who you are

    It may seem simple--all the little things you do
    But the lives you touch matter so much
    And there's no one else like you
    And Father needs you to stand tall and faithful
    To be all you can be
    Oh, if you could see what He sees, you'd...

    Beleive in what you're doing
    Believe in who you are
    Hold tight to the truth that you're a daughter of God
    Believe in who you're becoming
    Believe in who you are

    When it's hard to believe in yourself
    And you feel like you're beginning to doubt

    He believes in what you're doing
    He believes in who you are
    Don't lose sight of the truth that you're a daughter of God
    That He believes in who you're becoming
    He believes in who you are

  • Thursday, October 18, 2007

    Pumpkin Cookies and Blessing Pictures

    Yesterday I was at my mom's visiting with her and my sister Ashley and we decided to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. One of my favorites, but since Shane doesn't like pumpkin I never make them. We used this recipe:

    Wendy Sue's Pumpkin Cookies
    1 cube butter
    1 C brown sugar
    ¼ C white sugar
    2 eggs
    1 C pumpkin (canned)
    1 t lemon extract
    2 C flour
    2 t cinnamon
    ½ t salt
    ½ t cloves
    ½ t nutmeg
    ½ t ginger
    1 t baking soda
    1 C nuts/chocolate chips
    1 - Cream together butter, sugars and eggs
    2 - Add pumpkin and lemon
    3 - Sift together and add dry ingredients
    4 – Add walnuts/chocolate chips
    5 – Drop by teaspoon on greased cookie sheet
    6 - Bake @ 400ยบ for 12 minutes
    *Makes about 28 cookies

    They were delicious! We added white chocolate and dried orange flavored craisins! My mom sent a plate home and I will throughly enjoy them. I ended up eating 4 at her house yesterday! Mmmmmm! They have me craving pumpkin. I just might try Ashley's recipe for pumpkin pancakes this weekend!

    We took Delphia to get professional blessing pictures done on Tuesday and she is a professional! She was so well behaved other than she kept turning her head to suck on her hands. We ended up putting a binky in her mouth and pulling it out right before they took the picture. We got 2 8x10's because we couldn't decide between the smiling one and sthe sweet angelic sleeping one. We also got 12 birth announcements free, so we sent those to great-grandmas and other family. Kiddie Kandids did a great job! All I have to do is look at the pictures and I find myself smiling!

    I went to my mom's Super Saturday last week and they had this for dessert. It was excellent!

    Pumpkin Cake

    1 yellow cake mix – save 1 cup for topping
    1 cube butter
    1 egg
    grease bottom of 9 x 13 pan, press into pan

    1 lb. 14 oz. Can pumpkin
    2 eggs
    2/3cup milk
    2/3cup sugar
    2 tsp. Cinnamon
    blend well, and pour over crust

    Topping: 1 cup cake mix (from crust)
    1/4cup sugar
    1 tsp. Cinnamon
    1/2cube margarine
    Bake at 350 for 45 – 50 minutes. Serve warm or cooled w/ whipped cream.

    Last night we had a jungle party at my mom's. Precious Auntie (Ashley) and Spencer were trying to entertain Delphia and the were making bird sounds and cackling. She was okay with it for a minute and then she had enough and Grandma had to take over after Ashley told Jed he needed to comfort her. I ended up shaking her rattle all the way home for the second night in a row.

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    These are her 8-week pictures! She is growing so fast! She thinks she doesn't need to sleep, except at night. She can be dead asleep in my arms so I lay her down and 5 minutes later she is awake. It doesn't matter if I lay her in her crib, carseat or bassinett. If I lay her in her bouncy chair she will sleep as long as it is vibrating! Hopefully, a routine is in the future! We love her, she is so much fun!

    I got three new projects yesterday at Pine Needles. Just ask Shane, I am the Queen of Unfinished Projects! I just need to get fabric to do these. Maybe I should finish my other projects first, maybe....... Here is what they look like:

    3 2 1

    Tuesday, October 16, 2007

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    Here is Delphia in her girly camo outfit from Costco. Shane has just been waiting until it fits her!




    These are pictures I took of her is her blessing dress for Grandma.

  • Sunday, October 14, 2007

    The Blessing Dress That Never Was and Other Misc Info....

    This is the blessing dress that was......

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    And this is the blessing dress that wasn't......

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    Ever since the time I was in Young Women's I have wanted to make my daughters blessing dress out of my wedding dress. Fast forward 7 years and I finally get the oppourtunity to do so. I have a friend in the ward that made her daughters dress from her dress and when I found that out and told her I had always wanted to do that she said that she would help me. I chose a dress that I wanted to copy and she found a pattern similiar to what I wanted. We got together and cut out the pieces one day and another day we started to sew them together. Last Tuesday it was getting down to the wire since we were blessing Delphia on October 14th. We finished the dress and I just needed to hem it, add the ribbon on the sleeves and bodice and put buttons on the back. On Tuesday I took it to my mom's and she helped me hem and do the ribbon.

    It was then that I noticed the collar was starting to fray in 3 places. I didn't know how to fix it other that cut and sew a new collar. I didn't have my dress with me and I started to have a melt down because it's what I had my heart set on. My mom tried to figure out how to fix it and finaaly told me that we should just go buy a dress and that this wasn't worth stressing over.

    Then it was just figuring out where one finds a blessing dress, especially because I am picky and wanted it really simple, with NO LACE! My mom suggested White Elegance or the Jordan River Temple Clothing Center. We went and looked on the White Elegance website and found a couple that were reasonably priced that I really liked. So, we hopped in the car with the baby and headed down to see what we could find. We found a dress that I really liked and then just had to decide whether to get it in newborn or 0-3 months. We ended up going with newborn because she is still just a tiny thing!

    I felt so sad that she didn't get to be blessed in the one out of my wedding dress, but I didn't have the time to fix it! My plan is to get it fixed for the next girl and to bless her in it!


    This was taken yesterday at my mom's. Delphia has a ton of clothes in 0-3 months that she is just getting big enough to wear, but they are starting to get to short pretty darn fast! Shane's Aunt Mary got her this outfit.


    It has a little orange jacket that goes with it and she looks so grown-up in it!

    On another high note she slept through the night Wednesday night! It hasn't happened since, but it was so nice the one time! I woke up thinking that it was close to 1:00 and that she would be waking up soon to eat and I looked at the clock and it read 3:51! I woke up Shane to go check on her and she was fine. It was pretty funny because just that morning Shane said, "It will be the biggest blessing when she sleeps through the night!"


    This is her 7-week picture! I still can't believe she is getting so big! She is cooing more every day and she is starting to smile! She loves to stretch, and boy does she stretch! My dad says she stretches more than any baby he has ever seen. She is the hardest baby to nurse when she wakes up in morning because she is so busy stretching that she forgets she needs to eat!


    She is defintely not a binkie baby. If she wants her binkie she will take it and if she is not interested she spits it right out or makes a funny face when you try to put it in her mouth! It will be wonderful when she can find her thumb consistently as shown above! It really calms her down.

    Blessing Delphia Day

  • Blessing Delphia Day


    This is the only picture from Delphi's blessing that I took. (Oops!) No fear, we are taking her to Kiddie Kandids on Tuesday for pics in her blessing dress.

    The day was wonderful and she was an angel! She is 7 1/2 weeks, but we had Stake Conference, Chloe's blessing and General Conference so it just kept getting moved back!

    Shane blessed her an it was awesome. He said that he wasn't nervous, but ther was a long pause before he started because he couldn't remember how to start the blessing. He said that it finally came to him. The blessing was beautiful and Delphia didn't cry at all. When Shane sat back down he asked if I heard him mess up and I told him that I hadn't. Apparently he blessed her to be a righteous son and then hastily added daughter. I think he was a tad nervous.

    We had family over afterwards for dinner. We had sloppy joes (Shane's favorite, but not mine so I never make them. He has decided that he will have to make sure Delphi likes them.), green salad, jello salad, raspberry fluff, chips, pea salad and chocolate chip cake and pineapple cookies! Whew! I was sick of cooking on Thursday when I baked the cakes, cookies, 5.5 lbs of sloppy joes and homemade bread!

    After everyone left we got her in a different dress and believe it or not I got her first smile caught on film! Here it is....


    then she kinda kept half smiling.....


    This one is one of my favorites with her and daddy...


    This next picture illustrates a cute story from the other day. We were getting ready to feed her and Shane said, "Who wants milk?" and she proceeded to do this....


    She never fails to make us giggle! She brings such a sweet spirit into our home and makes it feel wonderful to be starting our little family!

  • Sunday, October 7, 2007

    You'll Laugh About This Later

    On Friday my mom, sister and I were out and about and Ashley was telling us that they were going to Cafe Rio for their anniversary. I said that I wanted to do something fun next year on our anniversary because this year on our anniversary we were coming home from the hospital from having Delphia. I was telling Ashley how it was a horrible day. They released me from the hospital and we went to my mom's so that Shane could go pick up some nursing bra's. I was sitting on the couch and my mom came in and noticed that I was crying. She asked what was wrong and I in my post labor induced state proceeded to tell her that I was a horrible wife because I had just realized it was our anniversary and I hadn't told Shane so or that I loved him. Thankfully those wonderful hormones are gone now! Ashley told me that I should write about it because I would laugh about it later.


    This is Delphia at 6 weeks! I can't believe how big she is getting! Life is getting back to normal and she is getting on a routine. I think she inherited my inability to take naps, as most days she gets up at 7 am and doesn't sleep until 10 pm. Then usually once a week she is so tired she will sleep all day. However, it is usually on the day Shane is home, when I already have the extra help! Oh well, I love her and wouldn't know what to do without her.


    This picture was taken today, isn't she cute!

    I have to share a new addiction with you. It's my new favorite breakfast with toast.


    Well, I better go get the potatoes on to cook to go with our roast and finish listening to General Conference.
