Friday, November 13, 2009

My Ears Are Broken!

Monday was a terrible night! Delphia woke up at 2:30 Tuesday morning just crying and crying! Shane went and layed with her but she didn't fall asleep and when he left she kept crying. I went and layed with her for an hour and finally got sick of being kicked in the head so I left at 4:30 and went back to my bed. She cried on and off until 5:45 when I went to get her to bring her in my bed. She just kept crying. I had asked if her ear hurt and she said no. In fact I asked her if other things hurt and everytime the answer was no. Finally about 7:30 we decided to take her to her pediatrician and make an appointment for later that morning. I asked if she wanted some Tylenol and she said she did. I gave her some hoping it would ease whatever was bothering her. She took it and went staright to sleep until Shane got home and the for another 30 minutes or so. We got ready and were getting ready to head out the door and she kept saying, "I ready to go doctor. My ears broken!" We told her that Dr. Erickson would fix it and headed on our way. When we got to the office Dr Erickson came in and she was fussing about everything. He finally tried bribing her with stickers: Cars, Spongebob, Carebears but she wasn't biting so I suggested Dora and he said he thought he had some. He went to look and found 2 different ones that he had to dig for. He told her she could have one if she let him look in one ear and have the other if he could look in the other ear. She let him look in both ears, albeit unwillingly but she still got stickers and Dr. Erickson confirmed that she had a double ear infection. She is feeling better now but that night was sure miserable! As we were driving up to the doctor we were listening to 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed via Delphias request and after is was over She said, "I go to doctor just like the monkeys!" It suprised me that she related that to the song!

1 comment:

MamaBug said...

Night like that are just the pits!
