Sunday, April 10, 2011

Almost 1!

Josie is doing all kinds of fun things!

1) She is pulling herself up to things.
2) She has been crawling for about 6 weeks.
3) She will stand all by herself, but has yet gotten the courage to takr steps.
4) She loves to bath with her sister and throws a fit when you get her out.
5) She says yeah and na for yes and no.
6) Just last night she took her own shirt off totally by herself. We had eaten dinner and Shane told Delphia to go get undressed to get in the tub. Josie had been pulling her shirt off one arm all day, but that was as far as she had gotten. Josie sat right there in the kitchen, took one arm out, struggled to get it over her head and then pulled the other arm out and just smiled at us like, "Look what I did!"
7) She loves to dance and shake her bum to music.
8) She is very ticklish!
9) She has been giving kisses for about a month.

We took these before church this morning and I can't believe my liitle baby looks like a one year old!

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