Saturday, April 30, 2011

Butterflies and Caterpillars, Oh My!

Delphia got a set for Christmas where you can watch insects turn into ladybugs and caterpillars. We waited until the beginning of April to order the bugs and when they came to the house via the mail in a package marked "Live insect - open IMMEDIATELY" the fun began.

Shane and I put the ladybugs into their habitat that night and we were amazed watching them. We didn't know that ladybugs didn't start as ladybugs.

Here's the ladybugs in their habitat. They are starting to turn into ladybugs. Every couple days we drop water into their dish to keep the humidity up.

I think the catterpillars are Delphia's favorite. Probably 4-5 times a day she is up standing on the couch, telling me, "Five more minutes and I think they will turn into butterflies." We keep telling her it will take longer than that.

She also says that she can't wait to catch the butterflies in her net. We are wondering how she will react when the do indeed turn into butterflies, because she is pretty much afraid of anything that moves, and even things that don't move (including dead worms!)

Yesterday the butterflies started forming their chrysallis. Two of the were hanging from the top in a "J" shape, one was ju up at the top and another was at the top eating the paper tnat they are supposed to hang on. By late last night, one fell (because the other one had eaten the paper holding it up). This morning that one was in a chrysallis and another hanging one was starting. Their is still one hanging and one still eating the paper. Yesterday their was still one at the bottom of the jar and Shane just thought it was hungry, but it hasn't moved at all today so I am thinking othewise. So, in 7-10 days we should have butterflies. As soon as the last 2 form their chrysallis we will take them out of the container and hang them in the butterfly house.

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