Sunday, November 18, 2007

Just A Little Update!

New pictures for the week (I can't believe she was 12 weeks on Wednesday)! She will be 3 months on Thanksgiving. She is quite the talker and will just sit and talk and coo to you if you will sit and talk to her. We spend a lot of time each day just jabbering back and forth. Here are some pictures of her talking and cooing.

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and here is her more serious side....


Yesterday we took family pictures over at the church property and they turned out really nice. My mom wanted a whole family picture for Christmas cards and for her house and so we took a big family photo and single family pictures. We got them ordered from Costco last night along with 50 christmas cards.


My mom was holding Delphia yesterday and they were looking in the mirror and my mom bounced her foot on the mirror and said,"Tap," and she would pull her back and push her forward and say,"Tap," again. Delphia was just cracking up and giggling! It was hilarious! I just love her little giggles and laughs.

Today is Relief Society the Enrichment person Sister Bradt came up to me afterwards and said she heard that I was an avid quilter and that people were interested in doing a monthly quilting class and she was wondering if I would do it. I was excited but I have never taught a class and am absolutely not an avid quilter. I have sewn a few things with my Grandma's help and done a few basic things by myself. They found a pattern at Deseret Book and want to do 2 blocks a month. They will come and I will show them how to put the blocks together and they will bring them the following month and be able to make a quilt at the end of the year. I am really excited because it will give a chance to get to know some ladies better, but really nervous because it is something I have never done before!

Tuesday is my baking day for Thanksgiving. I am making apple cake, pumpkin bars, a strawberry lemon jello and maybe some cookies. I also need to make bread on Tuesday. Shane and I just made a new dessert recipe called Orange Coconut Bars. They smell delish!

It is starting to really feel like the holidays. It needs to get colder but we are listening to Christmas music, burning the pine candle and doing a lot of baking. I think I get my love for baking especially during fall/winter from my mom. It just is something I love to do and is a signal of the coming holidays!

I was thinking today about how I have so much to be thankful for and what a wonderful life I have. My plan is to post everyday about something I am thankful for so here goes todays blessing. I am so grateful for modern medicine and I had never really thought too much about it until I was holding Delphia while she was asleep this afternoon and just watching her with awe and realized if it wasn't for modern medicine she might never have joined our family. It took 2 years of trying to have her and finally going on Clomid and then she was breech with her cord wrapped around her neck. It is so nice to have the technology to know these things beforehand and to have ultrasounds, c-sections and pain medications. I am so grateful to have our little girl here and she means so much to me. I enjoy every day with her. Sure we have our frustrating times, but when she is happy and smiling, asleep in my arms or just needing her mommy to comfort her I can't help but realize what a miracle she is and how much I love her.

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