Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Finishing Touch

I finally have a minute to sit and finish my post from earlier today, so where should I begin......

Let me start with my finishing touches for the day. Delphia would only nap in her bouncy chair this afternoon so I sat down to scrapbook and got a good start on a page. She was happy after she woke up so I put the finishing touches on the page, and here it is:


The next finishing touch has been in the works for 7 years. How to make the perfect finishing touch for a lemon cake. Shane loves 7-minute frosting and I can't make it like his grandma. I saw Paula Deen make it awhile back and looked up her recipe and Shane and I made a lemon cake tonight and he told me it was just like his Grandma's. Look at the finished product:


Here's the recipe:

1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar or 1 tablespoon white corn syrup
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup water
2 egg whites
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

Place sugar, cream of tartar or corn syrup, salt, water, and egg whites in the top of a double boiler. Beat with a handheld electric mixer for 1 minute. Place pan over boiling water, being sure that boiling water does not touch the bottom of the top pan. (If this happens, it could cause your frosting to become grainy). Beat constantly on high speed with electric mixer for 7 minutes. Beat in vanilla.

It was really easy, except Shane said it was frying his hand off from the steam coming out of our makeshift double boiler.

The final finishing touch for the night is that Delphia is in bed and sleeping soundly! She went to bed at 8:45 and was exhausted. Parts of the day have been rough and parts have been really good. I guess it's all about the little successes (like 8:45 bedtimes)!

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We took these pictures at my mom's the other day and they make me smile. Ruby is so cute with Delphia and loves to hold her. She likes to tell me if Delphia needs me, she shares her cold (blanket) with her, hands her the binkie and just is so sweet with her! Her favorite phrase is, "She sad?" always with a questioning voice. I love it when I get to see her and her mom.

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