Monday, May 12, 2008

Tons of Catch Up!

Finally! I can blog again. I attempted to reformat my hard drive on the 29th of April and one of the back-up CD's was bad so a new tower was in order. We ordered it through Costco and it got here last Thursday but it has been busy around here.


We took this picture of Phia last Thursday. The smile is compliments of Aunt Ashley who was standing behind me cheering Phia on. We put this in Shanes mom's Mothers Day present and we are using it for the Pony Express Days Baby Contest here in Eagle Mountain.


This picture is for Ashley. She gave this to Phia for her baby showe and it is a 12 month outfit and I have been waiting to put her it in. We put it on her yesterday and it just barely fits around her little tummy. It was sure cute on her though and she was loving chewing and chomping on the buckles everytime they got near her mouth.206

We got her some biter biscuits to chomp on as they take longer to eat than the little cereals. She can seriously chow them down in nothing flat. However the cereals are MUCH less messier! The bib was covered in goo and so were her hands and face. She sure does enjoy them though. Last week she had one and daddy cleaned her up. I gave her one when I made dinner the other night and wasn't sure how to go about cleaning her up. I finally threw a towel over me and carried her at arms length into the bathroom and prmptly gave her a tubby. This picture cracks me up because she was trying to offer me a bite.


Just another cute picture in her skort.

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It's bathtime! Phia loves bath time, in fact she loves it so much that we shut the shower curtain so that we can wash her and keep an eye on her because she is such a splasher. When Shane is home he gets to bath her and he was in for a bath of his own! The floor was wet and Shane was wet but Phia was having a ball! Shane and I have decided she looks the frog outfit on Super Mario 3 in her bath towel!


What a ham! She is pretty much constantly smiling. There are days when she's not quite so happy but they are far and few between. Everyone is always commenting on what a happy baby she is and I have to admit that I am awfully lucky!

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Shane and I were folding laundry a couple weeks ago and she kept eyeing the laundry basket. Shane set her in it and she was as happy as a lark! She played with her toys and the sock balls. Laundry was folded without incident! The next week I was folding clothes while Shane was at work and Phia clearly wanted to be in the basket so I set her in and once again laundry was a success!

Last Friday Phia and I were singing songs and she opened her mouth only for me to see a tooth starting to pop through. I guess that's what happens when you tell your child she is a late bloomer wondering when she is going to get teeth since her cousin 6 weeks older has 2 and her cousin 3 months younger is starting to teethe. This was on Thursday that I told her that on the next day we have a tooth!

She has started to wave in her own cute way and she kind of flips her little wrist. I love waving to her just so I can see her wave back.

Last Thursday my mom, Dallen and I were watching "The Thrill of it All" and Phia was playing on the floor happily. Near the end of the movie she was getting fussy and nothing I was doing was calming her down. I set her on the floor and went to get her pj's and a bottle and when I came back down she was sitting on Grandmas lap holding her toes as happy as a little lark. She started to make this funny noise that went something like "gluck". It was hilarious. My mom was imitating her and she just kept doing it. It now soumetimes comes out gluck and sometimes as yuck. She is my little doll baby who constantly makes me smile and I am unable to imagine life without her.

Well, I better go help Shane wih dinner. I will post about Mothers Day tomorrow!

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