Sunday, December 6, 2009

Miss Artsy

Delphia loves to do anything artsy. She loves to color, watercolor, cut, glue etc. The other day we got her watercolors out and she enjoyed painting on big sheets of paper that we had picked up at the Distribution Center downtown.

I think she painted 3 or 4 seets. She occasionally wanted a different brush or new water in her bowl but for the most part she just wanted to paint. She likes dipping her brush into 6 or 7 different colors and then painting on her paper. It usually comes out some sort of muddy brown or ugly green.

She has also been having a lot of fun with the file folder games that made when we were first married. She can do them no problem so I need to make some harder ones since she is so into learning. She lies matching the socks and snakes, mathcing shapes to the circus and halloween one and matching colors to the candles and pies.

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