Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Don't Break the Ice!

I have decided that Delphia is my little game/puzzle bug. She loves to do puzzles at grandma's house even though they are hard for her. I tell her to look for a certain piece and help her find where it goes. Pretty soon she will e able to do them herself. She also loves games be it Duck, Duck Goose, Red Light, Green Light, Ring Around the Rosie, Hide and Seek, Kerplunk or in last Thursdays case Don't Break the Ice. We pulled it out at Grandma's and she helped from putting the ice cubes in the tray to setting the skater on top. She even did pretty good attaking turns with her Daddy! It was funny because she would start to hit one ice cube out and then change her mind and it another one out. She wanted to play again and again and cried when it had to be put away!

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