Sunday, June 13, 2010

Snuggle Wrap

We have what we call the snuggle wrap. We wrap Josie like this and used to wrap Phia this way. They get wrapped like this for bed when they are little. Shane also wraps them in the car seat. He buckles them in then wraps the blanket snug and tucks it in the sides. He has done this to Phia forever and has started doing it with Josie

On Sunday he had Josie snuggle wrapped and Delphia wanted to be snuggles wrapped just the like her sister. I'm not sure how Shane snuggle wrapped an almost 3 year old, but they were both happy!


The Romig Chronicles said...

Hilarious! That is such a priceless picture.

bethany said...

Thanks so much for voting for my photo! I don't have an email address to send the pattern to, would you mind sending that to me? Thanks!

Liz said...

Can Shane snuggle wrap a 30 year old? That looks comfy! :)
I got your comment on my post for Payson Lakes. We actually just went up there for the afternoon and had a picnic. I ran into a friend while we were there who was up there camping, so I know there are camp sights. People were fishing, swimming, floating in tubes, or whatever. There is also a trail that goes all the way around the lake. We brought our bikes and the kids loved it! I am sure you would have a great time up there. It's really beautiful. We want to go there and camp sometime too.
